So, you really wanna know the dirt? Well, it all began when my parents got married..they were feeling kinda..hehe..ok..jk. Lemme see..bout me eh? I'm an rapidly-aging 18 year old gal from California..hehe. I'm basically a perfect angel O=). I enjoy playing tennis..which lead to my interest in Mark.. and am a basketball has-been...listening to DAVE!!! Yes..right now I'm totally obsessed over Dave (Matthews). In fact, still kicking myself for not going to any of his concerts. But, hey was able to go to an Eagle Eye in SF(Thanks Jigs for that night) and KWOD's Twisted X-Mas Concert..with Cake! Hmm...I was once into postcards..relieved my knack for some travel. Italy and New York are calling my name. Yes, I'm probably asking to be mugged..but that's ok. Pathetically..I have yet to be outta state. I'm pretty much a die-hard fan of Real World/Road Rules..and lil bit of Felicity. Hmm...I like certain kinds of rugs (those nice fluffy ones from Peru in somebody's house is a particular fave hehe) That's basically me in a will restrain myself from saying that line from Austin Powers. Ok now that ur really bored..I've got two words for ya... HP Pride!!! hehe