Colleen Ann Neroda
Colleen's Shrine
Colleen, aren't u the cute kid or what? I'll leave this space pretty much empty til I give out my shout-outs in early September. But, ain't this great for all of u stalkers out there..lil pic of mini Co! U look great doll! I guess u'll hafta savior our talks about my cool feet and ur invisible clothes later ;)
Ok, well, here's my shout-out I promised you way back when. I don't know where to begin! YO, you've been the greatest junior buddy anybody could ask for. We did have some great memories the cricket massacre I witnessed on the tennis courts!! How many crickets died because of ur lil foot smashing down on to their helpless body? Hmmm..speaking bout crickets...McDonalds! I hope ur collage on ur closet is coming along ok..senior year..i would expect some great pictures of u sleeping through physics or something. Thanks to Weenie..we had our connection! Ain't that weird..I set out to make some junior connections and Colleen Neroda popped into my life! Every moment we've spent together has brought all good memories..LET'S GO TO LEATHERBY'S OR DAIRY QUEEN!! hehe. And with your is synonymous with... TANK!! C'mon..Volvos rock!! Thanks for letting me ruin your clutch! hehe. And let's not forget ur kid-sized spandex!! WE LOVE COLLEEN IN SPANDEX..hmm why can't volleyball be year round?? Geez..hehe! How many hours did I actually spend in your room without constructively "decorating" it. But, at least you've got that cool part next to your door that is a shrine!! I'm sorry..I did leave your Christmas ornament at home..but it's hanging loud and proud in my room.
But, seriously..Co, you mean the world to me. When I heard bout the accident..I freaked!! Don't let Reenie ever drive..she has bad car karma! Your pictures hanging on my wall were just soo depressing. I don't know what I would do if anything happened to you guys!! So, here's the solution: stay at home as much as possible! Ah...I'm taking after my parent's logic! hehe. Colleen, you've been such an awesome friend. Tu casa es mi casa! Oh yeah..that was without altavista..hehe. I LOVE YOU COLLEEN!! KEEP IT SAFE!! That means stop with the corner job..that's only left up to me! hehe. I can't wait to see you guys when I get back! (But prepare for a jailhouse escape in able to see me over the break..hehe) The AMERICAN SPORTS CAR SHALL BE IN EFFECT!! Ok, well, take those cuties!